Friday, January 16, 2009

A reminder of our main purpose

Passion cannot be driven by the sense of duty to perform.Passion must be an overflow of a deep love for God that just comes from knowing Him, from being aware of His presence and absorbing the love that is flowing from Him.

My genuine hearts’ desire is to be useful to God, to live in His purpose, to be in that place I should be, doing the ministry I am supposed to be doing. So I set my vision in place and throw myself at it passionately . . .but doors are not opening and heaven is quiet. I find myself dutifully pressing on but seemingly going nowhere.

Maybe it’s because I am more passionate about getting there than I am about just being with God. I'm always trying to understand and formulate ways to do things, ways to express creativity and ways to get to that place where I am hearing God perfectly and just doing His will. Even though I already have the Father’s approval by being in Christ I am still longing for His constant approval and affection. I want Him to say, “Good, my son, you heard my voice clearly today and you prophesied or prayed exactly as I wanted you to. You encouraged my children and you did good to help them with your talents and abilities.”

You first have to be yourself in Christ then you will end up doing all that you are called to do. I believe that sometimes my picture of all I am called to do, and how to do it, is very different to God’s actual plan. I feel a sense of duty to always be on the move like Paul the apostle, out there doing a whole lot of things with God.

God is on the move for you and He is establishing your future and putting things in place for you according to His time but sometimes you do need to wait. Everything is already all in place since before you were born but it unfolds in it’s time and periods of waiting were predestined just as when the cloud stopped in the desert with Moses. These were the most important parts of the journey. Without them the Israelites might still be roaming in the desert today.

For God it’s all about the relationship between you and Him. None of the other stuff actually has lasting value. Your work will end, your ministry is only in part now, this is all an adventure and one day an even greater adventure awaits us. But those are the in between bits, the real stuff is that intimate relationship with Him for no other reason than love. The center core of our existence is fellowship with God. Why must He always talk, why are we so frustrated when He doesn’t say anything? Love goes far beyond words. A heart can be stretched out wide and face many trials yet remain fully outstretched, fully open to love.

I have written an adventure of love just for you. My creative word went forth and with great love I laid out this exciting adventure for you. The greatest of love stories. I wrote this adventure so that you may come to comprehend the love I have for you. That is the very purpose of it all.

I find no pleasure in seeing you suffer, or performing as it were a duty out of fear that you may let me down. The whole purpose is that when this adventure becomes almost impossible for you, you would not try to do it alone but that you would stop and come and ask me for help. This adventure was never intended to be your focus, it was meant to be my gift of love to you.

Your purpose, your life still actually belongs here with Me, in close fellowship. By being with Me you will become like Me and you will begin to understand the love story I have written for you. This is only part one of a great volume. You are not able to comprehend what lies in future parts of this adventure at this stage but know that your love will become perfect in My love and there are yet pages to be written that we will write together.

The Lord shows me what looks like a great library in heaven with books going all around and up as high as I can see. In the center of the floor is a great book on a stand, the greatest love adventure of them all, the story of Jesus.

Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength, they will rise up with wings as eagles. When the adventure becomes too much and a burden to us, put down the book and come and sit with the Father. Everything in it’s time, this is your time to live and just be who you are in Christ. Just allow love to renew you and restore you. Allow love to settle your heart and heal those areas you do not understand. Put down the book and return to love. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we don’t understand in the book of our lives that we forget to just rest in God and trust Him and just get encouraged by reading a bit out of Jesus book.

Life is an adventure but the only purpose is God’s love relationship with us. The ability to live this adventure and have victory and joy in it comes as an overflow of our intimacy with God. By remaining secure in Him we will be ready for every appointed time and we will see all things becoming beautiful in it’s time.

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